Unifi controller plugin has blocked my access to Truenas scale UI

Last weekend I finally decided to remove all truecharts applications after procrastinating for weeks over making changes to my network which was running rock solid for months. Seeing how Truenas Electric eel was around the corner, I decided that I can’t put it off any longer. I uninstall my unifi controller plugin from truecharts and replace it with the plugin from iXsystems.

Now I can’t access my Truenas scale webUI because the unifi controller plugin is redirecting all http traffic to the unificontroller plugin interface. Is there a way that I an disable this redirection so that I can access the Truenas Scale WebGUI?

You can use SSH or the command line and follow these instructions that should allow you to stop the k3s system

I did this to stop all servers

sudo systemctl stop k3s

but now I can’t access the truenas web gui for some reason.

can I stop an individual plugin?

Stopping all plugins should work, there is probably a way to stop one but their documentation on it is not great around Kubernetes and since Kubernetes has been removed from 24.10 that was released today I am not sure that matters as much anymore.

So is there anything that I can do? If I run that command I can’t access the web gui, If I don’t stop the unifi controller, the unifi controller will redirect me from accessing the webgui.

Well I guess I’m going to have to reinstall TN scale from a backed up image. Because I don’t see any other way forward. I really didn’t want to touch my unifi controller out of fear that I might screw something up, now it appears that I have.

Solved in case anyone else comes across this same issue I found the solution here.


midclt call chart.release.scale yourappname '{"replica_count": 0}' (stop)

midclt call chart.release.scale yourappname '{"replica_count": 1}' (start)

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