Poor connections to unifi U6 pro

A few weeks ago, I posted here about having issues with my unifi controller running as a truenas scale plugin redirecting traffic from my truenas webgui to the unifi controller, I couldn’t fix the issue so eventually I decided to just remove the unifi app and reinstall from a backup profile.

Before migrating to a new install, I had 0 connectivity issues, now I can barely connect anything to my unifi AP. As soon as I migrated to the new controller it alerted me to a firmware update, so I applied the update. I am running a 3rd party router, pfsense CE 2.7.2. Currently I don’t see anything in the pfsense logs stating that their is a problem. Unifi Controller shows that the wifi experience is “poor” but does not give me any indication as to what is the problem. The U6-pro is currently running firmware 6.6.77 and the unfi controller is version on TN scale is version 8.6.9. I don’t know what the issue is. Since none of my devices, pfsense, and the unifi controller aren’t giving me any indication as to what is wrong other than vague “poor experience” or “could not connect messages”. I have disabled MAC based filtering on pfsense and switched the DHCP server to allow all clients temporarily until I get this issue resolved.

As a backup I still have my ISP provided home gateway that, I am having no issues connecting my devse to via wifi but I’d like to use my unfi AP that is behind pfsense instead.

Do you mind giving me advise as to where I need to look to find what is the issue? What setting should I change? Is there something else that I may have forgot to set or set incorrectly?

Did either the migration, or any other update, enable any ‘auto’ settings that weren’t enabled before?

Are you getting high interference levels on your wifi channel(s)?

Have you tried rolling back the AP firmware? (Or, have you tried one of the newer EA releases as a test?)

I’ve found on the odd occasion with UniFI devices, post-update, that sometimes just manually switching a setting, then switching it back resolves some strange issues