DNS Issue after Upgrade to pfSense 24.03

Last weekend, I upgraded pfSense Plus from 23.09 to 24.03, the upgrade itself looked like it installed without any issues.

Monday I found that several websites would not resolve, other sites would hang when I entered user credentials like this forum for example.

Initially I thought that it was my laptop with firefox giving me issues, then my email client didn’t send an email from my yahoo address.

As I didn’t have much time to investigate, I rolled back to 23.09 and all sites were working as before, so definitely not my client but it was pfSense.

I didn’t see many others have the same issue, other than the IPv6 DNS home being added which apparently shouldn’t have an effect.

Any tips on resolving this ?

I had issues when I upgraded as well. After the upgrade I noticed the same thing you were having. I just did a reboot and it started working. I didn’t look into it much further than that.

Ok thanks for confirming, I rebooted the modem, router and laptop, without any luck. Will do an update over the weekend again and inspect this.

I had the same entry as the poster below, did that also come up for you, I’m not using IPv6.