Forgive my ignorance but isn’t Proxmox Datacenter Manager the equivalent of XO?
Proxmox Datacenter Manager makes Proxmox more like XO. The XO system manages the individual hosts, the pools (groups of hosts similar to what Proxmox calls a cluster), and can manage many pools.
XO already has the ability to move virtual machines between hosts that are in different pools and the Proxmox Datacenter Manager will be bringing that ability to Proxmox.
Great, that’s what I thought. Maybe worthy of a video later comparing the two?
Tom doesn’t use proxmox and most likely won’t do any kind of video on proxmox, even for comparison.
I understand. In January 2020, Tom released a video titled “XCP-NG / Xen Orchestra VS Vmware and Why We Choose It For Our Clients.” I was hoping for a similar video that compares the maturity of XO in the data center to the early development of Proxmox Datacenter Manager.
I might do an updated Proxmox VS XCP-ng video because both platforms have added more features. I know Proxmox is really popular in the home lab, but I don’t have a lot of data points to do an depth comparison as we don’t really really know any businesses running Proxmox at any real scale to really say if Proxmox can handle workloads at the same scale as we have on XCP-ng.
I do know in the lab testing we have done I have noticed some occasional breakage that comes from Proxmox updates. It has not been anything that we could not fix as they were just Linux networking issues, but my feeling (not scientific conclusion) is that updates are sometimes buggy on Proxmox. This is not an issues with XCP-ng, but XCP-ng is also more like an appliance and not running on top of a full distro.
After years of running Proxmox (2019 - ver 6), I finally decided to give XCP-NG a try in the homelab. I do not think I am going back…
- The way snapshots capture the VM configuration too
- The backup featureset and automated testing of backups
- you can backup the pool master’s config automatically and remotely
- windows VMs just seem to feel more snappy on it for some reason…
- In case of (Sh$# hitting the fan) … you can do so much with the console…
Still learning and loving it …
IMHO Proxmox DCM is a response to XCP-NG’s strength. Let us see how it goes. Competition is a great thing.
I did not realize that snapshots on Proxmox DO NOT capture the VM configuration, interesting. I to really like the configuration backups and easy off site backups via S3 that XO can do as well.