XenOrchestra can't setup Remote source for backups

When creating a remote, XenOrchestra has a note that for linux and most NAS devices, we should use NFS. NFS however does not have a place for me to enter authentication credentials. I therefore tried SMB but this returns the following error:

Command failed with exit code 32: mount -o domain=WORKGROUP -t cifs // /run/xo-server/mounts/da758cd1-e062-4444-ba28-e52718820e51
mount error(115): Operation now in progress
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)

I have confirmed that my credentials are valid and that I can browse to the share in question from a computer.

The share is on a QNAP running QTS

Xen details are:
xo-server 5.124.0
xo-web 5.126.0

Xen Orchestra, commit 8727c

What type of network share have you setup on the QNAP ?

SMB, NFS, etc

Ah, suddenly remembered that the NAT was on a different network i.e. firewall issue.

Sorted now.

Ideally you should not be routing these type of traffic