XCPNG TianoCore Issue

Hi All,

We’re using XCPNG with XO to host several virtual machines across several different host machines.

With our Windows based VMs (Windows 10, Server 2019 etc) we are encountering an issue where upon rebooting the VM will get stuck at the TianoCore boot page, with the little Windows icon spinning around (Still animated)

The VMs then just seem to get stuck in this state, with no logs we can see. We’ve tried moving the VMs between hosts etc and playing about with Advanced settings but not had much luck.

The only usual solution to this is to spin up a new VM from backup/snapshot on another host then being unable to reboot in case it gets stuck at the TianoCore screen.

Any help / advice on this would be appreciated!

Running XO-Server 5.116.3 with xo-web 5.119.1
XCPNG version 8.2.1 (release/yangtze/master/58)
Servers range from Gigabyte R72 to Dell R410s with mixture of Intel/AMD Hardware

What processors are you running? I started having similar when I was using Xeon X56xx processors to the point where I just gave those servers away and replaced with newer equipment. Just wondering if this might be a factor.

Also spin up a new Windows VM from an Eval license, try some reboots, then let it do windows updates and try more reboots, it might be an update causing problems.

Are these existing VM’s that have been migrated to xcpng? If so, did you uninstall the guest agent tools from the previous hypervisor?

Are you trying to use golden images to deploy new VM’s?

Thanks for the replies,

We’re running a range of various CPUs, one is an AMD EPYC 7452, in another server we have two Xeon e5 2620v3s then even older we have Xeon X5560 from older generation.

Each one of the hosts has had this issue, we’ve tried moving VMs between them as we thought this might be the issue previously.

Some of the VMs were migrated over from Hyper-V, but others have been freshly spun up from XCPNG / XO and have also had this issue, they are being created from a generic Windows Server / 10 ISO, we downloaded the ISOs from Microsoft directly

Spinning up an eval version of windows is a good shout, although its tricky to recreate the issue as sometimes the VMs will reboot fine, its seemingly a roulette of whether they will come back on or not when rebooted.

Mostly when I was running 2019 in my lab, I used the bios boot on them. Same for Win10. I have a couple 2022 running on UEFI with no problems, always using the agent installer from XenServer 8 and Trial Edition Downloads

I do have one 2025 with vUEFI, vTPM, and vSecureboot running on XCB 8.3 and no issues other than drives showing as removable, but that can be fixed with a registry edit. Shutdown and boot up are fine on this VM, running on Xeon E5-26xxv2 so not at all new.