XCP-ng which preferred tool flavour


I am currently migrating from Server 2016 to 2025.

Any advice on which tool you prefer (production)

Citrix or XCP-NG flavour.

Many thanks as always in advance.

Look at these threads:

These are a couple minor things you may encounter. And this seems to be an XCP-ng 8.3 thing, not necessarily an 8.2.x thing. My tests were with the 9.4 management agent and drivers on XCP 8.3

No comment on Citrix over XCP as I have not used the Citrix versions.


I am running 8.2.1 with 9.4 management seems the management agent gets stuck starting in services. I had to disable in msconfig before uninstalling otherwise would not uninstall.

Try just changing the management agent to automatic (delayed start). If it hangs while starting, it often blocks things like windows installer which would prevent updates, uninstall, etc.

I am running the non production drivers in test mode, these seem to work for me for the moment. Hopefully an update will be released later on at which point I will demote the 2016’s.

Should I probably demote the 2025 servers and leave as is for the moment probably :smile: