XCP-ng Tools contain VDIs I'm unable to Destroy

Hello guys,

on my XCP-ng Storage I have apart of ‘guest-tools.iso’ (that is normal)
also couple of ‘Old version of guest-tools.iso’ (viz. screenshot)

If try to destroy these extra “old versions” it fails with an error:


Any idea how to get a rid of these? Can anyone give an advice?

Thank you and have nice day everyone.

You probably have the ISO storage mounted as read only. By default the ISO for the tools are located in /opt/xensource/packages/iso and you can delete them manually via the command line.

Thanks Tom for an advice,

well path is there but it shows only one file with latest guest tools iso:

[20:23 xcp-ng ~]# ls -lha /opt/xensource/packages/iso/
total 17M
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Oct 10 22:36 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4.0K Oct 10 22:36 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  17M Sep 20 15:06 guest-tools-8.3-12.xcpng8.3.iso

The other files that are shown on the picture in my initial post, surprisingly, are not there.

Then when on the “Host” tab of that SR you will have to look where that is pointing.

It’s pointing exactly to path which we were talking about:

path: /opt/xensource/packages/iso
location: /opt/xensource/packages/iso
legacy_mode: true

Then hit the “Rescan Disks” button at the top of the that page you posted.

Of-course I did that… It doesn’t help, reference to these files is stacked there even they are not present on the disk (or I cant find them).

Found solution:

xe vdi-list sr-uuid=<uuid of XCP-ng Tools SR>

This will give you a list of VDIs. Find the one you want to remove and then forget it:

xe vdi-forget uuid=<uuid of VDI>

Rinse and repeat till all the “old guest tools” are removed and disappear from XO.


Thanks for this tip.