Wifi Analyser Standalone Device

Hey Guys,

I’m following the channel for more than a year now and in the recent Vlogs there came up the discussion about Wi-Fi troubleshooting.

I’m using a Ubiquity setup on one of my clients site and some devices drop the signal from time to time. I can’t “catch” the error by doing a one-time analysis with the known tools (inssider, wifiman, etc.), so I thought I need to log the signal with a standalone device.
I even thought, putting a RasPi on site, but I don’t know any (good) Wi-Fi Analyszer for Linux.

I know I have a sophisticated UI with Ubiquity, but I rely on the Users Feedback, which isn’t enough to really dig into the Problem. Often, they don’t even know the devices anymore, which had problems with.

So maybe you have an Idea about this topic.

Thanks for your input in advance :slight_smile:

If the device that you put on site does not drop the connection then you are back to figuring out why the device they have does. Sending all the logs to a syslog server can help but sometimes you need to look at the logs of the device that is dropping. I do have some upcoming videos on WIFI.