USB Passthrough for a boot device (Unraid)

Hi all, I’m at my last hurdle with my move from Proxmox to XCP-NG. I know this is a bit unorthodox, but I want an unraid guest to use as a docker host and to manage shares. I really like the unraid community and the amount of content available, but I can’t run it bare metal in this scenario because I don’t want Untangle running in Unraid since I can’t simply vmotion it to a new host (I just have 2 right now). I don’t want to go back to Proxmox (even though it’ll allow me to do exactly what I’m trying to do here) because I don’t want a 2 node cluster just to be able to do live moves, and don’t want to do backup/restores to a new host. vMotion is very appealing.

Since XOA doesn’t seem to have the option, I used XCP-NG Center to passthrough the unraid USB to a guest, but for the life of me I can’t get it to boot it. There’s no USB mentioned in the vm’s boot options menu, and I don’t see a function key pop up with the virtual bios to select a boot device. Maybe it’s there but it boots too fast to see via the console? I’m not sure. Either way, I’m hoping someone has a suggestion that doesn’t involve me going back to Proxmox since I can’t get a 3rd host right this moment.

Thanks in advance!

I answered my own question again!~ PlopKexec will boot the Unraid USB… just mount the PlopKexec ISO and boot!

PlopKexec - Download](PlopKexec - Download

We have been doing this here and unraid does boot, but the network interface does not work properly. br0 does receive an IP address, but pinging from unraid and to unraid does not work.

@JoeyDee have you gotten this to work with network?