I’m about to replace a pfsense CE firewall at a family member and there is a S2S IPsec VPN for Synology replication.
Has anyone done any speed comparisions with the Unifi kit? I’m purchasing a UCG Ultra as that’ll meet their needs. They have a 900/900 connection and it’ll be a flat network. Nothing complicated at all. Switch and wireless wise, it’s a mixture of tp-link and netgear, but there is no need to rip all that out too.
My connection is 1000/100, but when possible it too will be on a 900/900 connection.
I’m lead to believe WG would be the best “choice”?
Currently pfsense+ / Sophos XG is the endpoint VPN device, so will start with IPSec. The unfi device is behind CGNAT, so the IPSec endpoint will need to be setup as responder only etc.
I may spin up a VM to host a wireguard instnce for testing, WG is on the pfsense+ instance too. However it’s a bit misleading in the Unifi console as only OpenVPN and IPSec listed for site to site.