Unifi controler update

Some how I have lost update unifi controller, It seems I remember upgrading from with in the controller software. Were is this option? I can download it but can’t find the update option. I saw the ssh update, and I use a script, but I thought I remember a option in the controller.

My downloaded script changes the default java on ubuntu. This kills my Grand-kids minecraft server. Countless hours spent on that! Just figured it out this morning!


I always download right from Ubiquiti here Ubiquiti - Downloads

Thanks Tom! My question is, After you have the file, how do you update? In the menu system I can’t find it. I use the Old User Interface

I host mine on a Linux server and always update it from the command line.

Thanks again, I guess I’ll just stick with the script… Are you using ssh? care to show me the format. Also running on an Linux server

I just go to Ubiquiti - Downloads

The copy the download link, ssh in to my controller, download and run

wget https://dl.ui.com/unifi/6.5.55/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb

dpkg -i unifi_sysvinit_all.deb
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