Unifi cloud key reporting STP

Our Unifi cloud key console has been reporting that the switch port that one of our UPS network management cards is plugged into has been disabled due to STP, but yet connectivity to the UPS is completely fine. Has anyone seen this odd behavior before? I’ve replaced the RJ45 transceiver, rebooted the switch and cloud key, with no change in behavior. Everything in the environment is on the latest version of everything too, so I’m at a bit of a loss here.

I have run into that error as well. I think it’s some other type of connection error that UniFi can’t display so it says STP error. I had a bad DAC cable that I replace and that was the error it gave as well.

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Thanks! I’ll try swapping with a known good/working cable and see if that makes it go away.

Update on this - I tried a different cable and it’s still reporting STP, but otherwise there appears to be no connectivity issues. It still bothers me though, so I don’t know if I really want to see if I can get it replaced still. Very strange that it’s doing this…

Also, Merry Christmas! :tada::snowman_with_snow::christmas_tree::santa::fireworks:

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Maybe jump onto the UniFi forums and if no existing topic for this exists, create a new one and include a support file (only UniFi can see the attached support files)