Unifi Availability Options

What options are there for purchasing additional unifi equipment? Specifically U6-LR and U6-Lite? I purchased a couple of U6-lites for my house when they were first announced, but have not had much success in getting additional units for the other networks I manage.

Today, I got a notice that more units were in, so I went to purchase. The cart self-emptied. In reaching out to support, they informed me that I already purchased two (which I did – months ago). I don’t want to start a bash-unifi rant. They are fully aware of my opinions, if this policy holds. Please refrain from making this political.

I want to know how others who manage multiple networks are handling the supply for clients. I manage a little over 200 unifi devices, but about 100 of those are APs. I need more, and I’m not interested in the non U6 variant, although that’s what I’ve been forced to do for now. I don’t do the large deployments like Tom, so I’m not in the loop on how to get the items I need.

Thanks in advance.

Alternate official sources are the distributors and resellers: Ubiquiti - Find Distributor

I like Streakwave and Baltic Networks.

The U6 equipment is in hot demand. On the UI store, restocks of 1000+ are gone in hours. The silicon shortage is affecting everything, and Ubiquiti has to sit back compared to larger enterprise manufacturers who use the same AP chipsets.

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Thanks. I know they’re struggling, which is why I came here for a solution. Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll make some calls tomorrow morning. Some of the resellers I’ve used in the past were not resupplied by Unifi, so I incorrectly assumed that they had moved ALL distribution internally.

I don’t know how the balance between their internal store and distributors is managed, but they could never stop supplying to the distribution channel. Streakwave indicates they have 7500 U6-Lite-US on order, but no ETA for arrival and no details on how many are already committed to backorders.

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