I just set up unifi network and wifi for a local organization and found that one of the people working is not able to get phone calls there while he has wifi calling enabled on his phone, he has an android based phone.
I have not done any troubleshooting yet, and unifi was set up with the default settings. Is there anything special I should be looking for by any chance?
I did overlook mentioning I do have a flsense between unifi and the router as well. It too has default settings. I’m thinking of taking it out of the mix to see how the system fairs especially now that ubiquiti has upped their firewall game.
There are unpredictable issues with Droid and Apple on ubiquiti.
The most common issue I’ve seen since I started using this company is that portable devices (laptops, tablets etc) won’t re-connect to the network after its gone idle and put itself to sleep. Turning the WIFI radio on and off sometimes fixes that when it pop-ups up.
The second most common issue I can think of is some Apple products don’t work with UI access points, its hit or miss.
Androids not playing well with UI AP’s is less common.
I have several Apple devices in my network (running iOS, iPadOS, macOS) and I use 3 different Unifi APs (FlexHD, IWHD, AC Mesh). No problems at all.
There are a lot of configuration parameters for the WiFi networks in the controller, though. I recommend reading the information bubbles for all parameters and tune the settings.
There will be lots of claims like this and then there’s that random ‘oh hey work just gave me a new phone for emergency contact and I can’t get it to connect’ scenario, no amount of screwing with phone settings or network controller & AP settings (for hours or even days) gets it to play nice but most other devices including existing apple devices work fine. Its always been an iPhone when that happens.
It’s a random re-occurring issue that is mostly Apple specific and never been able to diagnose successfully. The phone ends up going back to the employer in those scenarios. There’s a restaurant who’s owners I know, use UI hardware on my recommendation that I visit, this happens regularly.
Whether its a WIFI 6 or WIFI 5 device, still happens occasionally.
Non-connectivity upon waking up is less common than it used to be many years ago but at one point it was really bad, and sometimes pops-up again when UI would roll out a patch. My best guess is its caching data related to connectivity that expired or corrupted, and only power cycling the device or radios on it fix it.
I stopped buying and stopped recommending Apple quite awhile ago to anyone I know, my last apple device died last Nov. It was replaced by mini-pc and android stuff, 0 regrets.
Old android WIFI calling issues I can remember:
Sometimes had work arounds in android like forcing WIFI-calling preferences to be WIFI in the settings. If you didn’t explicitly tell it to use the WIFI network instead of the cell network, during times when the phone was left to decide on its own which one to failover to it would cause problems. I hadn’t experienced that in quite a while, I figured between UI patch rollouts and android developers un----ing the regressive changes carriers like T-Mobile makes to the phone software, it had sorted itself out.
I’ve seen suggestions about disabling LTE & 2G capability to force WIFI calling but no idea if that would even factor into it. Phone carriers love to break features that worked OK before they started messing with it.
2G and possibly 3G compatibility mode in phones apparently leaves some security vulnerabilities including but not limited to: permitting remote cloning, remote hijacking of the phone and its contents that I wasn’t aware of. It is by default left on.