TrueNAS UniFi Application Install issues

I’m trying to install the unifi-controller on the latest TrueNAS using a host path and all i get is errors.Works fine with IX-Volume. This appears to be a permissions issue with the host path. Anyone know what user or group is needed for Unifi?

2024-12-23 19:39:08.555355+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:08,554] WARN - ======================================================================

2024-12-23 19:39:08.557725+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:08,557] INFO - Checking setup for container

2024-12-23 19:39:08.560145+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:08,559] INFO - ‘/usr/lib/unifi/data/’ doesn’t exist, copying from ‘/usr/lib/unifi/’

2024-12-23 19:39:08.562373+00:00cp: cannot create regular file ‘/usr/lib/unifi/data/’: Permission denied

2024-12-23 19:39:10.516079+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,515] INFO - Entrypoint script version 1.1.3

2024-12-23 19:39:10.518853+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,518] INFO - Entrypoint functions version 1.1.0

2024-12-23 19:39:10.524847+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,524] WARN - Container/entrypoint not started as UID 0 (root)

2024-12-23 19:39:10.527204+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,526] WARN - Unable to change permissions or set custom GID/UID if configured

2024-12-23 19:39:10.533278+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,532] WARN - Process will be spawned with GID=999, UID=999

2024-12-23 19:39:10.535340+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,534] WARN - Depending on permissions requested command may not work

2024-12-23 19:39:10.538088+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,537] WARN - ======================================================================

2024-12-23 19:39:10.540328+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,539] WARN - One or more of: ‘DB_MONGO_LOCAL’, ‘DB_MONGO_URI’, ‘STATDB_MONGO_URI’, or ‘UNIFI_DB_NAME’ is unset.

2024-12-23 19:39:10.542412+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,542] WARN - In the future you should consider running UniFi on Docker with an external Mongo DB instance defined.

2024-12-23 19:39:10.545255+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,544] WARN - *** Please check the and examples at GitHub - goofball222/unifi: UniFi Docker Container ***

2024-12-23 19:39:10.547417+00:00[2024-12-23 13:39:10,547] WARN - ======================================================================

If you set the permissions to “Everyone” it should work. Then you will know by looking at the files that get created what permissions it’s using.

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