Truenas Scale Local IP accesibility


I have a problem with my TrueNAS scale server, a few updates ago the server stopped responding to the local IP address Except from MacOS no other machine can connect to the webinterface or SMB or anything.
With tailscale i can connect everything, no issues there but on any Windows machine anything related to the local IP does not work.
I scoured the internet for the answer but none of them seem to work.
The configuration is standard


enp0s31f6 - static ip


Nameserver 1:

Default Route



  • Hostname:truenas

  • Domain: Inherit from DHCP

  • HTTP Proxy:—

  • Service Announcement: NETBIOS-NS, mDNS, WS-DISCOVERY

  • Additional Domains:—

  • Hostname Database:—

  • Outbound Network:Allow All

I am a noob when it comes with TrueNAS CLI.

Thank you in advance

That does not really sound like a TrueNAS issue unless you have gone to SystemAdvanced Settings and set the Allowed IP Addresses option.

Did you try manually typing both http and https to see if one worked and the other did not?