Truenas multi nic, smb and dns


following my previous thread (see link), as test, I set to all vlans the same dns at and it works but not without issues.

Because, 'till now, the only I found, is with truenas and samba.
I followed this Tom’s video and on the nas I set multiple nics, one for each vlans.

So this is the actual network configuration


interface ip desc
enp6s18 main
enp6s19 - -
enp6s20 - -
vlan203 - -
vlan202 on enp6s18
vlan207 on enp6s19
vlan232 on enp6s20
br203 on vlan203 not used

smb configuration

On Windows clients on vlan202 I can access to the shares using \IP and it is ok, but, on “Explorer” under “network” when I click on the share I get an error “unable to access \TRUENAS”

I think because windows try to access \TRUENAS instead of \TRUENAS202 (its alias)

I am not so expert on this so I don’t know if the problem is my misunderstand of how netbios aliases works or there is some error on the dns config or both …or it is a bug on the electric eel (I am testing the RC)