TrueNas hardware

For a business use, some smb shares but mostly xcp-ng backups, what hardware is recommended? I normally use Synology but Truenas has intrigued me lately. Does anyone sell a hardware box similar to the Synology box? I see ixsystems sells some on their website but it appears dated.

Any server / workstation , brand new or second hand will do as long it has enough hard drive slots spare

Just make sure the hard drive controller is HBA (non raid card) , as truenas needs to manage the drives directly.

Allow two drives for the operating system (mirrored), then add the amount of drives based on the zfs raid to the amount of drive space required.

Free RAIDZ Calculator - Caclulate ZFS RAIDZ Array Capacity and Fault Tolerance.

We sell a lot of and systems that are running TrueNAS. If you are looking for something more affordable the is amazing.

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