TrueNAS Cloud Sync task failing to Backblaze

So not sure if anyone has any input or seen this but I have several datasets set up to sync to Backblaze which has been working without fail since it was announced with its encryption on upload. however recently I ended up locked out of my Backblaze account due to a misplaced second-factor device, and to add to it the card it was being billed to got canceled by the bank. I created another Backblaze account and updated the keys to point at the new account. however now I’m running into an issue where one of the backups keeps failing. a couple failed but i just ran it again and its fine now except for this one.

log has been edited to obscure some directories
full error log here Truenas Fail - Google Docs

2022/04/12 04:59:28 INFO :
Transferred: 427.962k / 427.962 kBytes, 100%, 74.254 kBytes/s, ETA 0s
Errors: 7 (retrying may help)
Checks: 694243 / 694243, 100%
Transferred: 11 / 11, 100%
Elapsed time: 1h15m1.6s

2022/04/12 05:00:28 ERROR : Encrypted drive ‘encrypted:/’: not deleting files as there were IO errors
2022/04/12 05:00:28 ERROR : Encrypted drive ‘encrypted:/’: not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2022/04/12 05:00:28 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 8 errors and: march failed with 7 error(s): first error: 1000 calls/minute allowed for: API_LIST_FILE_NAMES_CALLED (429 too_many_requests)
2022/04/12 05:00:28 Failed to sync with 8 errors: last error was: march failed with 7 error(s): first error: 1000 calls/minute allowed for: API_LIST_FILE_NAMES_CALLED (429 too_many_requests)

Reading that error message it says “429 too_many_requests” which leads me to thing you have to increase some API call limits in Backblaze, but that is just a guess.