Tp-link omada and third party vpn provider

I’ve recently moved to the Omada ecosystem maked by TP-Link. The omada has many positive things going for it, easy setup, easy integration, easy home automation. Previously I had a Linksys router that I could log into my third part vpn provider(expressvpn) and it was effective for my needs. Try as I might I’ve tried to get my omada router to do the same , I’ve searched and found very little, most involve double NAT a router to the service, which I would prefer to stay away from. Do you know of a why to get the omada router to work with third party VPN service

What is the model of the Omada router

It’s controlled by the software controller, so it really doesn’t matter which one of the omada capable routers they all function the same, but to satisfy your interest it’s the TL-ER 7206.