Tom, video on Lets Encrypt and Reverse Proxy for Unify?

It would be really great if Tom could do a video on how to get Lets Encrypt auto-renewal and Reverse Proxy in a UniFi environment.

I know that this is not supported by UniFi, but maybe it could be done with a PI?

And thanks for all the videos on pfSense. Very sad that the CE edition seems to be on its last leg.



I don’t use LE certs with UniFi, I have NGINX Proxy Manager setup for my reverse proxy.

Thanks, are you running the Proxy manager on the UniFI device, or on something else.

And many thanks for all the great videos :blush:

It runs in a docker container.

Thanks, got I all up and running now. With Nginx Proxy Manager running in Docker and another docker instance taking care of DDNS updates, I think that I am now ready to retire my trusty old pfSense CE and replace it with a UniFi Dream Machine SE. Thanks for all your help Tom :slight_smile:

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