The writing's on the wall for the Atom C3000 series?

Heya folks,

Imagine my surprise when I went to install the UniFi controller using Glenn R.'s script, when it warned me that my cpu was not compatible with MongoDB 7.x that the new versions of the controller uses. This is as a result of the lack of AVX instructions according to this post.

Thankfully the script offers a workaround.

A few days later I noticed the above when booting a Rocky 9.5 guest on a Supermicro with the Atom C3758 cpu.

Looks like the lack of AVX might be dooming this cpu to the scrap heap sooner than expected? :thinking:

Hmm … thoughts?

If you need AVX for the workload, time to replace it.

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RHEL is moving their baseline requirement to x86-64-v3 in version 10, Rocky is following them, but AlmaLinux will maintain x86-64-v2 support by compiling two versions of many binaries. AlmaLinux OS - Forever-Free Enterprise-Grade Operating System
However, third parties like EPEL will still be doing v3 only.

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Nothing specific needing AVX right now, and I am kind of attached to it as it was my first “real server”. :rofl: :rofl:

Let us see how it goes…

@brwainer : Thanks for explaining this!

This will eventually knock out my HP servers too, thankfully they are just in my lab and I’m building a backup/replacement mini lab that will get me over this.