Synology DS918 + Raid Problem

I have a problem. I have a synology
DS918 +. And last week a hard drive died in it. I then turned it off and ordered a new one. when I then restart it. with the new hard disk icon in it it said that one more disk was broken

Is there any software that can clone one of the broken disks?

Or what do you think I should do?

Synology Support
After analysing the debug logs from your NAS I can see that you have multiple drives which show a large number of Raw Read Error’s. These are not errors that can be repaired and indicate the rate of hardware read errors that occurred when reading data from a disk surface. Any number indicates a problem with either disk surface or read/write heads.

And I know that raid is not a backup. And that was not the idea but now we are here.

There is software available, but they aren’t cheap. If you have a backup I would get all new drives and start over. If there is data on the drives that is worth spending money to recover it, I would buy the software or send it off to a hard drive recovery place.