Syncthing or alternative

I watched Tom’s videos on Syncthing and thought I would give it a try and it was super easy to get set up and working between 2 computers (Linux VMs for testing) but when I tried to use it on my android tablet that is where things fell apart.

My end goal is this: I store a KeePassXC database and separate key file on 2 separate network storage locations I also store my digital copies of my music CDs on different network storage as well. I am wanting to find a solution that will sync those files and folders between the source network storage and my tablet which has an SD card installed.

Syncthing not only has trouble writing to SD cards but when I do sync my music it is not viewable by either Samsung Music or Google Play Music.

Is there a way for syncing to accomplish this or another application that would work? I have used Nextcloud/Owncloud in the past but they are much to slow in their sync and file transfer speeds in my opinion to handle more than just uploading an occasional picture or downloading the odd word doc.

I have never tried syncthing on Android so I am not sure about the syncing music issues.

Well after trying out a number of solutions here is my findings:

Seafile - Was a very complex setup and was not able to be onfigured to my use case.

Syncthing - Soild solution for linux or other non mobile OS but on Android the app cannot write to SD card in anything other than a specified location which did not work for my use case.

Pydio - unable to get running after trying multiple setup guides and offical documentation on Ubuntu Server 18.04.

Nextlcoud - I got it working with an alternative Adroid app called FolderSync and it was able to write to the SD card using my folder structure. My only complaint was that the app contained ads unless you paid 4 bucks for the app and also was slower than Resilio.

Resilio - Is going to be my solution, the server install is super easy and has a syncthing feel to how you share folder, It was faster than Nextcloud using the same source files and so far has been super smooth other than on the Android app you need to make your folder structure before adding the share as whatever you name the folder your saving files/folders into is the name of the share. So for instance I created a folder on the SD card called My Data and then added a folder called Pictures. when I created the share I selected the Pictures folder and the name of the share was automatically set to Pictures.


Thanks for sharing the results with us.