Hello all,
Very grateful for any help, but would this arrangement work?
It’s only my little office, I just wondered about the FreeNAS server not being directly connected to the managed switch.
Thanks in advance.
Hello all,
Very grateful for any help, but would this arrangement work?
It’s only my little office, I just wondered about the FreeNAS server not being directly connected to the managed switch.
Thanks in advance.
Are you planning on using any VLANs?
Sorry, I should have mentioned that.
No VLANs intended at the moment.
You should be able to set up an interface as a LAN then get an IP from it. I have precisely this setup, it was the default LAN when configuring pfsense. However, I have a managed switch also connected to pfsense running vlans.
I suspect that you can get your managed switch to work if you use a different subnet, but it is a guess.
While you can route storage traffic through pfsense, I would not recommend it from a design stand point as it can create bottlenecks in network performance.
That’s really handy, thank you @neogrid . I’ll see how it goes and go from there. It’s mainly only me in the office, but eventually I would like to use VLANs - but that’s a long way off and in a different and more flexible building (I rent).
Thank you Tom, really appreciate your contribution - I’ll keep an eye on the potential bottleneck.
If I was staying at these offices for any length of time, I would prefer to have the FreeNAS machine directly attached to the switch, especially as I had successfully setup LAG on it (before attaching PFSense). Final network config will be as it should.
Thanks again and keep up the good work (on and off YT)
Unless he is using a Netgate SG-3100 device where the 4-port are switched together (i.e not distinct ports like any normal firewall box) by default - so FreeNAS and worstations would all be on the same subnet and pfsense would not police the traffic and thus not bottlenecking anything.
But as you said, it is not a good design in general and FreeNAS should be directly connected to the managed switch.
What he could do if pfsense doesn’t have a set of switched ports, use a longer Ethernet cable and connect FreeNas into the managed switch.
Thank you @pjdouillard , very kind of you to contribute, you’ve reinforced the need to do the job properly. I looked into this further tonight and it seems there’s just enough of a hole diameter through the wall to feed 4 cables through. This is the current ‘Room 2’:
So I’m now going to have:
Room 1: FreeNAS server, PF Sense (fed directly from the router), Switch
Room 2: Workstations, router
I’ve made a mistake on that sketch, as the router is in Room 2.
Thanks again folks.