SMITE and pfblockerng

My brother is trying to play SMITE for the first time and is unable to login. Based on the way it just fails to login it appears to be related to pfblocker stopping some service from connecting.

I’m having troubling finding any blocked DNSBL or IP’s for my brother’s PC. If anyone knows what URL or IPs I need to whitelist to get SMITE working or where to look in pfSense or pfblocker to see what is getting blocked from his computer I would appreciate it.

Check the reports under DNSBL. Try to log in and the see which URL aid being blocked.

Well, I now know why I couldn’t find anything in the logs. Turns out you need a Hi-Rez account to play SMITE, even when on Steam. You need to link these two accounts otherwise you won’t be able to login.

Now could someone ANYONE at Hi-Rez have coded an error message about this into the game or made it a point on their website!

But, whatever at least my brother can play SMITE now.

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