Sanity check - ATA error increased 0 to 1?

Just for a sanity check here but when you have the following error in Truenas, should you replace the drive?

Device: /dev/ada6, ATA error count increased from 0 to 1.

I’m leaning on the replace because I have a feeling the drive is going bad, and I have spares. Just odd because it has lived a pretty easy life and is a good HGST drive. Not that it matters, but it is a drive in a chassis that handles storage from my VMs (production), so leaning to the side of safety. Needs a small update to Truenas so I’m migrating over to a second storage unit right now.

Well… I’ll answer this for myself. I spent yesterday moving all my VMs off of this machine, and in the process, the drive failed and degraded the pool. Now I don’t have to spend the time to do SMART tests and stuff, I’ll just swap it out… Anyone need a couple of magnets? This one will get dismantled and gone so it can’t get mixed back in by mistake.