Running a unify setup behind pfSense

Hello! I have a pfSense setup running on a macMini with whole network vpn via openvpn protocol. I then have a Ubiquiti setup that is connected to that pfsense box. What I am running atm is a USG Pro, USW-24-POE Gen2, CloudKey Gen2 Plus 1TB, UniFi nanoHD, UniFi FlexHD, USW Flex Mini. What I want to know is if I can get rid of the USG Pro and just use the rest of the setup as is without problems. I want to use my pfSense box as a replacement for the USG Pro. Is there something that I will be missing? Just a note is that I am using all this in a home environment.

Yes, pfsense can replaced the USG and the access points and switches work fine with it.

Thanks for the fast answer! I have been following the channel for quite some time now and I am wondering if you plan to do a video about routing some traffic through openvn and some traffic through the normal interface. I am looking to do this but can’t find a good tutorial.

I want most of my devices to go over openvpn and then I want a few devices to be outside of the vpn. Is this possible with pfsense?

The video I have is for an older version but it’s mostly the same

Thanks a lot! I will check it out right away. :relaxed: