Request for video - remote connection (VNC) to a box on VPN


Can you kindly do a video on the following topic:

Steps for a novice user on how to setup network (maybe via iptables) on a linux (ubuntu) box to be able to connect and maintain VNC connection which maybe connected to VPN

Here is an example say you have a box with IP 192.168.1.XY (can connect to it via VNC) and then as soon as it connects to say NorthVPN (or any VPN) connection is lost or can not be established. Thx in advance.

Why don’t you set up an OpenVPN server at home ? Then you can dial into that and access your home network and any device on it. If that device happens to be connected to a paid VPN when you remote into it so will you.
But it’s far easier to just set up VPNs on your router and just access the device on your vpn vLan.

I do have an OpenVPN server at home.
Are you suggesting that by using it I can make it work?

Let’s define a use case:

  • ubuntu box with initial IP 1 (predictable)
  • connects to NordVPN IP 2 (un-predictable)
  • connect to own VPN IP 3 (predictable)

Use VPN IP 3 to establish remote connection.
@neogrid is it it ?

I’ll assume you have vlans.

Are you actually limited by the number of simultaneous VPN connections for your paid VPN provider and trying to mitigate that ? Are you trying to use your paid VPN when you are remote ?

If the answers to the above are yes then it’s doable.


I don’t use VLANs
And yes to others.

Ok, I don’t know if it can be achieved using only a single subnet. It would be far too much effort to even bother.

I use vLans and do exactly what you want, so I know it works on vLans.

The high level steps are

  1. set up a vlan for vpn traffic.
  2. Set up a vlan for your ISP traffic.
  3. Set up an OpenVPN client for your vpn service on your vpn vLAN.
  4. Set up an OpenVPN Server that will be for RemoteVPN access.
  5. Then in the DNS Resolver you select the correct Network Interfaces and Outgoing Network Interfaces.
  6. install the OpenVPN client for your RemoteVPN on your phone/laptop.

You can connect a 100 devices to your VPN and it will count as 1 connection this way.

There’s obviously a bit more to it but if you buy a switch, you can work out each step on a trial and error basis.

Will keep me busy out of streets literally :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a bit higher then my skills level but will try


Tom has several videos on OpenVPN, paid VPN, DNS etc. they all give you some clues.

Though I have to say it took me 3 months to move from my 10 router set up to pfsense.

Good idea to keep notes and back up your settings constantly, you will almost immediately forget how you solved a problem when faced with it again 1 week later :slight_smile:
good luck