What’s the best way to remotely VNC (or other screen connecting solution) into an Ubuntu system? I know that Ubuntu has a VNC option, but the password always changes and I need GUI access (which I don’t readily have) to view it. What does everyone else use to connect to a Linux system remotely via the GUI?
Not sure which desktops work with this, might only be XFCE, but XRDP works well for most things (for me).
Remmina works quite well you can choose your connection protocol and xrdp works fine with Ubuntu Mate on my network.
Can you configure Remmina as an RDP server? I looked a little yesterday and didn’t find a way to do this.
As a client it has some nice features, like a list of connections and their types (SSH, RDP, VNC, etc.) so you can just click and go. On my LAN it seems to work OK for most things I would want to do as a client.
That said, being a Windows shop, just about everything gets done from the Windows RDP client connection.
I did just look at this: Gnome Remote Desktop, so if you have Gnome or one of it’s flavors, this might work.
Don’t forget that you’d need to open port 3389 in your firewall, I usually do both TCP and UDP for this port.
I’m setting up a new Linux install for Xen Orchestra, I’ll have to try Gnome RD on this when I get to where I want to be with the OS. Linux Mint - not working with XO. Moved on to Parrot Security because it would be nice to have some of those tools available once in a while and run XO on top of it (if it works). If not I’ll probably fall back on Debian again, and probably XFCE because I know it works.
No I don’t believe so, I just use it at home, so installing xrdp on my vms I want to remote in isn’t an issue.