Pv drivers from Citrix or via Windows upgrade?

Some seem to advise to turn on the Citrix drivers via Windows updates setting in a vm, others seem to advised to download and install the Management64.msi from the Citrix website. I’ve read the warnings about install the Xcp-g xen drivers and not turning on the Citrix - Windows setting. So what is todays recommended proceedure to spin up a Windows Server vm and have all the proper drivers and management tools installed?

Go with option 3 :slightly_smiling_face:

Install the xen server vm tools from here.

Thank you. That is how I did the most recent Server 2022 I spun up. Just to confirm, leave the checkbox in Advanced “citrix drivers via Windows update” turned off correct? I did, just want to be sure I am doing it correctly.

You would leave that uncheck as long as you do not have that option enabled on the vm settings in xen orchestra.