Plex Tunnel with reverse proxy on Windows

So I have watched Tom’s video explaining cloud-flare tunnels and have one setup to a domain that I own, but I am having trouble with a plex remote connection still.

I am stuck behind a CGNAT is why this all matters.

I am using Truenas core vs scale, my orignal plan was to run plex in a jail, but I need to tunnel. So then I was going to upgrade to linux based Scale… to get docker to run ngrok, but I didn’t want to loose the tried and true BSD…

So now… the current plan is to run plex server on a Windows client machine,
that can be accessed thru my domain name, but I am having issues getting everything to jive.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance!

I have not used Cloudflare Tunnel with Plex, but just so you know that is violation of their terms of service, or might not be, hard to say because they changed it up a bit

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I apologize Tom, I meant using the cloud flare tunneling in general, not FOR plex.

“Using Cloudflare Tunnels For Hosting & Certificates Without Exposing Ports On Your Firewall”

How would you recommend to get around the CGNAT issues, and be able to access plex remotely?

I am up for anything / way at this point…

Thanks for the reply and I will look into cloud flare’s TOS.

Update on the Cloud Flare TOS, as far as I can tell, you CAN NOT use them to stream Video, unless hosted BY them…

"Finally, we made it clear that customers can serve video and other large files using the CDN so long as that content is hosted by a Cloudflare service like Stream, Images, or R2. "

I would suggest using TailScale to get around CGNAT

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Thank you Tom! The Tailscale write ups and diagrams are awesome!

I never thought going into this, I would learn so much about NAT, DNS, DDNS, Tunneling, basically networking chapter 1-3, haha. It has been a learning curve for sure, and throwing a VPN I already use(Express VPN) that doesn’t offer a static IP… or port forwarding like I had read… makes it more difficult.

I did end up with a Domain in the deal, and have learned quite a bit on Cloud Flare’s Dashboad and Google Domains… I will EVENTUALLY get this figured out…

I had thought with a registered domain and a DDNS setup, it would cure my nat issues…

There is a guy on Youtube that also has T-Mobile 5G home internet, and he goes through all kinds attempts and apps that will “Supposedly” unlock settings in the gateway, but by my understanding the ip at the Tower, would change regardless.

✅ SOLVED!!!! Free Way To Port Forward On CGNAT ISP Like T-Mobile Home Internet - No VPN or Router! - YouTube TITLE

Tmobile, Does offer static ip’s, and port forwarding, for business accounts. I do have an LLC / TIN.EIN, but I didn’t want to HAVE to go that route.

Thanks Again Tom

Well, I was going to offer what I know about T Mobile, but looks like you already have it. I want to get a B2B account, but pretty sure they won’t give it to me. The account is really no different, $50 a month and an extra for the static IP. I already have my own device being the Chester Tech. Cheetah so all I would need is the B2B SIM card. I may call them next week and see if there is any way for me to weasel my way into a B2B plan in stead of the home plan.

I might be able to get my supervisor to sign a letter saying I need to be able to work from home, I’ve read this is enough to get into the B2B (sometimes).

Also you would think that with IPv6 they would stop caring, the NAT and CGNAT is really only to get around the lack of IPv4 addresses, v6 was supposed to have plenty for every device now and into the future…