PI-Hole on Thuenas Scale

Pi-Hole question: I had been using Pi-Hole on Truenas Scale for almost a year until upgrading from Bluefin to Cobia (Version:23.10.2) in late February. I struggled some with Nextcloud and Syncthing after the upgrade but got both of them running without reinstalling them. Pi-Hole (TrueCharts version) on the other hand did not survive. Other apps will still install OK, but since the upgrade TrueCharts and TrueNas versions of Pi-Hole will not install they both fail with the following cryptic error message.
[EFAULT] Failed to install App: Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: create: failed to create: secrets “sh.helm.release.v1.pihole.v1” is forbidden: unable to create new content in namespace ix-pihole because it is being terminated
Anyone have any ideas how to FIX this error???

You might have better luck posting on truenas forums. Might also look to see if there is a bug report for this already and if not then create one.