PFSense WG and a remote client tunnel

Hello there!

I have followed a few tutorials, Tom’s… Christian’s from PFSense and such. RIght now I am trying to get a site to site vpn working with my PFSense box and a ubuntu server wireguard client.

I have the noip-duc service running on boot and then shut down and then wireguard being started 5 minutes later. There’s a script that runs every 24 hours to update the IP after shutting down wireguard and then turn it back on so we can get the proper IP.

I can’t seem to get this working correctly, however. I have a peer that connects and all with the tunnel when I am local to my house. But the disconnect is seems to be translating the tunnel to an interface and assigning it as a gateway .

Am I right to take the tunnel connection to create a wireguard interface, assign it /24 as the address and then it should just work? I seem to have the interface rules wide open to allow all ipv4 as well. It seems any video that I watch it is talking about a third party service like mulvad for the policy routing and such but it should be possible with a self hosted server at my friends house? I want to direct two clients at his house through his connection for his outside IP.

I have attached some screenshots in hopes there’s a glaring issue with my config. I guess I am new user so I can only post one pic at a time. Sorry.
wireguard peer config


This is the interface configuration.

This is the gateway information I have setup. In the end I want to policy route two clients of mine at home over the tunnel so the IP on those two devices resembles my friend’s connection.

And finally the firewall to allow wireguard traffic. I believe I need NAT to policy route after that but I haven’t got that far yet. Any help or insight is appreciated!

Yes, the WG interface should be set as that if you are using as a gateway for a site to site seutp.

Great thanks, I appreciate the confirmation that the setup should work. I will bring the box today to his house and see what we can make work. Thanks Tom.