pfSense High Availability LAB

Hello Everyone,

I’m doing some lab testing on pfSense High Availability. I’m using Oracle VM VirtualBox as my hypervisor for MASTER and SLAVE of my pfSense High Availability.

Everything works fine, except when I now change the NAT Outbound Setting to; Hybrid and create a rule for a Outbound to use the WAN CARP IP that I created. I’m facing no internet connection but when I switch back to the original setting, I can route traffic to the internet

Additional Info:

I already set Promiscuous mode: Allow All on all interface

I have never tested pfsense CARP in virtualbox but it may have some issues with the CARP VIP.

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it seems working now, I did the same setup on different computer that is running Windows OS. but same hyper-visor Oracle Virtual box.

I don’t know if OS and NIC is a big deal on Oracle Virtualbox’s Promiscuous mode

When I encounter my problem. I’m using a T480 that is running Pop_OS 19.04 and it’s also using a Wi-Fi, I will give feedback when I get home.

for those who want to lab the pfsense HA, using virtual box as hyper-visor. don’t use a wireless NIC, as they have issue with Promiscuous Mode on virtual box. instead use Hardwired (RJ45) NIC.

That’s my finding when I’m on LAB on pfSense HA using virtualbox.


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