pfSense HAProxy other services hit the truenas login page


Look for a bit of help with HAProxy. I only want to access my services internally on my LAN.

I have setup a Cloudflare *. wildcard and it shows the cert as being valid. I can access, and no problems. The issue seems to be with services sat on truenas itself. They are pointing to the correct ports but I just hit the truenas login page… I have tried with and without the host override “Alias for truenas”, a direct host override and http/https but nothing seems to work. Its driving me mad as it clearly works just not for hosted apps… Most of these services are on Dockge as I need to use a VPN for most of them but I can access no issues internally using the IP addresses. Lets say truenas is at and my all services are at

Any help appreciated

Lets see the screenshot of one of your backends. What are the ports you are using for your services?

I have this video on HAProxy

And this video on troubleshooting DNS, SNI and CERTS

So I followed the videos as well as some others and no matter how I configure it just hits truenas…

Service is up if I just use the ip…

Sorted :smile:. I need to point the DNS to the port… And change Truenas to just be a DNS entry.