pfSense and NextDNS

Hi folks, really enjoy your YouTube videos and I’m glad I found my way over to your forums as well!

Over the last few months I’ve been running Pihole with my pfsense router however recently I came across nextdns which offers some similar network wide adblocking. I’m a big fan of supporting sites that rely on ads for revenue but since I work in cybersecurity, I’m more concerned with malvertising and it’s variants using dns.

I would love to see a video of you setting up pfsense and using nextdns addresses with a configuration on their website. They include some dns resolver configurations in their setup page and unfortunately I was having some trouble tuning that on my own home pfsense. I’ve got it working however I’m sure I could’ve missed a step or two and a clear video with your great YouTube presence would be a total time saver and show something cool for other power home users.

Thanks again for some great content and I look forward to watching more of your videos!

For pfsense go to “System” then “General” and put in the NextDNS IP addresses & under where is says “DNS Server Settings”


Yes that would be the simplest way. I forgot to explicitly say that I was configuring pfsense to be a dns-over-tls resolver and forwarding up to the two nextdns addresses. Pfsense accepts dns 53 from all internal lan clients, forwards as dns-over-tls port 853 to nextdns.

On Pfsense under General Setup at DNS adresses use the Nextdns dns adress “ or” and use under the DNS Server Hostname for TLS Verification in the DNS Resolver on the same setup page of Pfsens your Nextdns DNS-over-TLS adres from the adres on setup page of Nextdns DNS-over-TLS “…”
