Permission to upload some of your videos to

Hey Tom,

Just a reminder, in order to overcome the Network effect smaller platforms need help like this.

And there never will be unless creators help to move off of Big Tech centralized platforms like YouTube.

I know you understand this from your comment here:

Let me be one data point: I’ve completely moved off of I don’t watch any content there as I’ve found Odysee to be a viable alternative that I actually want to support (and I do both monetarily and word of mouth). I’ve also watched them grow A LOT over the past couple years and they keep getting bigger and better to my honest surprise.

The biggest problem they still have at the moment is lack of content which is the only thing they can’t fix on their own, they need help.

If you’re looking for a serious contender as an honest competitor to YouTube, this is the one I’m literally putting my money on.