Great stuff here, and thanks, Tom for all your videos.
I’ve just upgraded my Spectrum service to 1Gig and had a tech come out and confirm I’m getting better than 940 through my Motorola cable modem.
The problem I’m having is max speedtest results on a Windows 10 box connected directly to the same Unifi 1G switch as the Protectli LAN port. I get up to 650, occasionally a bit higher, but nowhere near the 940 I get connected directly to the modem.
I tried running speedtest-cli directly on the firewall, but the results were even more abysmal - around 340.
Anybody else have a similar issue getting full speed through the firewall?
My Protectli is about a year old, four ports with an i3 chip - CPU and memory are generally below 10%.
Thanks in advance, and apologies if this was discussed and I didn’t find the thread in my search.
Do you use PPPOE? If so, that can cause only a single core to be used. Setting the isr handling to be deferred per this doc can help, but I also has other suggestions that may, or may not apply to your hardware APU2 1Gbit throughput on pfSense (configuration instructions)
Yes. I followed a similar instruction sheet on their site for OPNSense:
I didn’t see a huge difference, but in reading the link you sent, that version talks about getting the full gigabit using two connections - I was just trying a single speed test.
I’m going to test with two connections and see what happens.