Open Source Visio alternative

What is the name of a good Visio like program for Linux or even Windows that would be good for diagramming a network? I’ve seen the one Tom uses, but I’ve never seen the name of the program shown or mentioned.

Some alternatives:

Don’t remember what @LTS_Tom was using. I can say it 100 times but does not come up at this time. is online and works fine. And also very popular.

The one Tom uses is yED

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Tom uses yED ( and that’s what I’ve been using too. I really like it, though I can’t compare it with Visio as I’ve never used Visio.


Honestly, I’ve never used Visio either. I just know it can be used for that

I started using through Nextcloud, works great. If you already have nextcloud instance running, give it a try.

Try DIA it is in most repositories on the most common desktop distros.