OneDrive Provider removed in TrueNas SCALE23.10

Hi Everyone,
During the SCALE23.10 update, the OneDrive provider for cloud backup was removed.
The logic being that the SDK supporting that provider has not seen a commit in last 7 years or so. [NAS-121621 / 23.10 / remove onedrivesdk (deprecated a long time ago) by yocalebo · Pull Request #11143 · truenas/middleware · GitHub]

That being said, is there any other way to have OneDrive as a backend for cloud backup? May be through Rsync?

Any guidance is appreciated. Thanking you in advance.

Set up a client that has access to the Onedrive and NAS shares, then set a task that pulls data from the NAS and pushes to Onedrive? Since dealing with a Microsoft product, I’d probably use a Windows client for this.

There might be a more elegant way, but this will brute force the data to the cloud.

If you’re looking to backup your data to OneDrive after the removal of the OneDrive provider in SCALE23.10, you can still achieve this using alternative methods. One option is to use Rsync, although it’s worth noting that Rsync itself doesn’t natively support OneDrive as a backend. However, you can use Clone, which is a powerful command-line program that synchronizes files and directories to and from various cloud storage providers, including OneDrive.

rclone is definitely a good option.
Expandrive is another (paid) option.