Ninjaone Alternative / Open-Source Self Hosted RMM

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well. I currently use NinjaOne RMM but am wondering if there are any other self-hosted alternatives. The main reason I’m considering a switch or trying something new is that we have around 35 devices, which is below the minimum limit of 50 for NinjaOne. Has anyone tried any self-hosted options? As for free ones, I’ve already tried ActionOne. My primary use for RMM is remote access, automated patching (which works perfectly in NinjaOne), and adding technicians if needed in the future.

I’d appreciate any insights on this.


There are not any that I would trust from a security standpoint.


Thanks Tom. Even I feel the same, I tried to find some but nothing much. Ninjaone should be fine for now.

Try manage-engine Endpoint Central

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If you use Immybot they are starting to hedge into RMM territory. It’s rudimentary but might satisfy your requirements.

They only provide 25 devices for free. And then their basic plan exceeds the ninjaone.