Network Setup Report for client

Hi Tom,
I love your video and I have and still using them to build my own business especially Invoiceninja. My question though goes to how to submit a report on what you have done at a client.
Here in East Africa, it is normally a norm by companies that before they give you your last paycheque, you should present a report on the works you have done and I have submitted a basic report on what we were contracted to do. but looking at your videos and the works you are contracted to do. I am imagining what kind of report you make and send to the client.


There is not a standard report we give for thing, it varies with what we were contracted to do. Often clients are not asking for the report as much as they care about the results.

:handshake: I appreciate the response on this. I thought I could beef up what I have. The case scenarios are different though. your is service satisfaction us here still need paperwork even when the works are done perfectly.