Nethserver 8 Domain Controller?

Hey all,

I am looking at setting up a Nethserver 8 Domain Controller for/in my Homelab.

Has anyone here had some experience with it, and can you impart some tips?

I will eventually use it to do the authentication for my TrueNAS, but would like to investigate using it for Windows and other server authentication.

Haven’t done this Neth, but I’ve used Zentyal for that purpose for years. I’ve been considering a switch to Univention, which appears to be a more active project. All three use the samba domain controller implementation.

I can’t think of anything particular as far as tips go, except to say that any time you add extra complexity to a system, be fastidious with change management.

Thanks for your reply.

Completely understand change management, as I am a Configuration Manager :wink: Really good thing to consider - thanks for bringing it up! I need to do it better in my Homelab.

I’ve tried Zentyal before, and found it can be very finiky to get functioning as a VM some times. Also found it didn’t play very nice when trying to do multi-network DHCP, so at the time put it to the side. Univention put me off with the pricing, despite the free version.