how to move firewall rules from pfsense to unifi firewall. Is there way to move from pfsense to unifi firewall or is it best to keep the pfsense inplace? As I would like to keep all network gear with the same vendor instead of having two diffrent systems. the reason I am asking is since unifi have impoved on there firewall based on the video i have watch on youtube.
There is now export / import for the rules, you just need to manually create them.
Be aware that Unifi uses Linux whereas pfSense uses BSD. in pfSense you can only filter traffic entering an interface, whereas Linux allows for filtering both directions on a given interface.
Manually translating the rules from pfSense to the Unifi should be straightforward, but the direction from Linux (Unifi, OpenWRT) to pfSense can be quite painful. It took me roughly 1 week to migrate all rules for all VLANS from OpenWRT to pfSense.
Most people do this in a big bang fashion and that may be reasonable for a limited number of rules. If you have lots of rules you may prefer a warm migration where you run both, pfSense and the Unifi router during the migration and connect them with a transit network for the migration phase. This requires a fair amount of good understanding of IP networking and I wouldn’t recommend doing that if you don’t consider yourself quite knowledgeable in that area.
Ask UniFi? Maybe they have some tools?
Thank you everyone for the answers. I will reach out to UiFi and see what they say. Once I get an answers i will update. I do agree with @LTS_Tom that it will be a manaul process.