I looked at UI’s offerings for managed power outlet stuff, I didn’t really like what I saw after I did some digging. I don’t know that much about this particular topic so i’m looking to poll the brain trust. What do you all use for homelab and would recommend to a small business for use in a 12u rack of switch(es) and etc?
Right now i’m looking for a device that I can recommend to a small business who is starting to implement the network layout I suggested to them but they should also have some kind of robust remote managed power option to just cycle on/off misbehaving devices in a uniform manner. The DL 2U pdu seems to fit approximately the target price and features I would want for them, and myself.
If this works out well, it would mean if I get a call for help I don’t have to beg for access to locked rooms or scamper up and down stairs while I figure out which device is not working if a power cycle is all that’s needed. I actually have to go in early today before they open and help them out again on some diagnostics.
id take that one but it requires extra f’n about with adaptors, the brick and the 2u options seem like the winner for price and functionality.
I looked at the live demo page of their UI, I didn’t see any mention of scheduling for power cycle functions. Is that something I would have to add as a custom scripted feature or is it in there and I missed it?
I’m going to need to try and buy one to solve something. I need my NAS to power up and load before my XCP-NG servers power up and load. A 2 or 3 minute delay between these events would be really nice.
The sequencing for me would be enough, forcing a hot powercut is normally something you want to leave for emergencies. If you need something to reboot on a schedule, that’s normally better left for a scheduled task/cron job to get a soft reboot.