Low Voltage License

I am in a unique opportunity to wire a new construction building soon in Grand Rapids, MI and I haven’t been able to find really concrete information if I need a license/permit or not. There will only be roughly 40 drops. Hoping that someone could provide some insight.

Unlike some states, the state of MI does not have any low voltage licences. But some cities will require inspection of the low voltage cabling for new construction.

Great, thank you for that information. To my knowledge they have a inspection fee per drop. Have a wonderful day!


Could you elaborate a little on where you got that information on the per drop inspection fee from and how that project ended up for you? Who would do that inspection? I’m looking at starting up my own IT business and these sorts of things are sometimes just not thought about.


I’d start by asking the city/town/county code enforcement departments what is required to handle low voltage cabling. I know where I live that you need to be certified in the city proper, but once you leave the city limits there is no certification required. The local electricians union has a lock on the city, so they were able to force certifications in an attempt to get more union only jobs. You can register, study, and take the certification exam here without being a union member.

No matter how you look at it, there is a bunch of leg work you’ll need to put in before running and terminating any cables.

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I am located in South Florida, started my IT Services business. Lately, I have been doing a lot of wiring offices and would like to know if there is a general Low Voltage License out there?

In Virginia it depends on which county you are doing the wiring.

Some counties no permit, no inspection, no rules.

Some counties permit required, no wiring allowed on drop ceiling and old wiring has to be removed first.
