Looking to get into scripting and or programing

I’m looking to get into automatizing of some of my tasks and don’t know what tool i should be using. The big two are bash or python or should I look into something like rust? I would someday like to take this into writing my own app or helping fix bugs. Any pitfalls that a new person would run into aka this bash script should have been done this other way? Any helpful advice would be appreciated.

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Depends on what you are trying to automate. You can for sure automate tasks in python and bash but other automation tools like ansible might be a better fit.

I automate every chance I get because I really don’t like doing things repetitively and I like consistency.

Learning python to leverage Ansible is where I would start. Ansible as a controller can “speak” to many different technologies such as Windows/Linux, network technologies such as Palo Alto. Cisco, Fortinet, F5 and the list goes on. PowerShell has a bunch of different modules you can integrate as well for many of the same technologies.

Any things to look out for aka noob mistakes?

Don’t practice on production environments. :smile:

If it wasnt my lab i would say… Awwww i can’t take down the hole network for mistyping a command. HEHEHE

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ChatGPT is also an interesting tool to utilize for helping with writing and optimizing scripts and code. It’s not perfect, but worth a look.