I installed a nextcloud instance on my truenascore and created a NAT rule so nexcloud.mydomain.com is redirected to my nextcloud instance.
When I am outside of my network, I can access nextcloud via https://nexcloud.mydomain.com with no problem at all.
When I am at home and try to access the same url, I get invalide ssl error and chrome refuse to connect.
I have 2 LANs in my pfSense:
Lan1 is my home LAN and I have unifi AP to connect devise wirelessly
Lan2 is my office LAN and no wireless devices access it. Only wired connection.
LAN1 and LAN2 are both physical port (no vLAN)
Nextcloud is on Lan2 and is getting access via laptop on Lan1 via wireless.
The port that connect to the wifi is trunk as I have vlan for some wireless SSID too.
Could anyone please advise on how to debug this situation?
Thank you